Tuesday, July 7, 2009


So Sidney and Kay hung out for the next two days, like always. They were beginning to not go out in public as much because people recognized Sid. Kay was fine with it, she knew it would have happened sooner or later. As long as she was with him, though, she didn't care. They didn't have to go out to places.

July 22, 2009
On Sunday, Sid and Kay talked about what was going to happen the next day.
"so, tomorrow we're going to do something special." Sid grinned, interlacing his fingers with Kay's as they sat by the Lemieux's pool.
"like what?" Kay smirked
"something you'll enjoy doing because it's one of your favorite things to do"
"make fun of you?" she questioned.
"no!" Sid laughed.
"i really don't know what's more fun than that, Sid." she replied with a straight face.
"that's it" Sid picked her up "you're going in"
"Put me down!" Kay laughed.
"sorry" He grinned and threw her in the pool. She came up to the surface with a sly look on her face.
"jerk" she joked.
"at least i apologized" Sid responded. Kay swam over to where he was standing on the edge of the pool.
"oh really? Well, i'm sorry that i have to do this." She smiled, making Sid confused, and pulled him by the ankles into the pool with her.
"that wasn't fair!" he yelled, "but i'll forgive you i guess"
"aww thank you so much." Kay chuckled, giving him a kiss.

(monday) July 23, 2005.
Kay woke up to a white rose on her nightstand with a note tied to it, figuring it was from Sid and Leland "delivered" it. For some reason, he liked getting one single flower.

Today is finally one month even though it seems soo much longer. I want to take you out somewhere.. i'm pretty sure you'll love my idea :)
i have to do some things, but i'll pick you up at 7.
- Sid
PS: wear jeans.

Kay smiled as she read it. She hopped out of bed and put the flower in a vase.
She went downstairs and gave her mom a kiss on the cheek, making her smile. She buzzed through the kitchen and out the door to go running. (She runs monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, and friday.)
"whats gotten into her" her mom wandered with a chuckle.

The hours passed slowly until it was 6:00. Kay ate dinner then went upstairs to get ready. She got showered, picked out dark wash jeans, and plain white tee that showed her mid drift just a little tiny bit. Her hair was wavy, and she had a small amount of eye make up on, along with the small diamond cross she always wore. She figured she wouldn't be needing her cell tonight; it was just her and Sid. She left it on her night stand.
When she was finished prepping, she decided to go sit out on the porch. It was only 6:50, and she knew Sid would be right on time at 7, but she waited anyway.
Ten minutes went by and Kay was getting anxious. She was still excited to see him. Five more minutes went by.
7:05 "i wonder where he is" she thought aloud. She sat there tapping her fingers on the arm rest of the chair on the porch.
7:10 Five more minutes. Still no sid. "probably just running a little late.." she thought.
7:15 Five more. nope. "this is wierd... he's never late. he hates being late." but still she sat there waiting. "he'll show up." she promised herself.
7:25 She crossed her legs and nervously shook her foot; it was a habit.
7:30 "ok Sid this isn't funny anymore" she whispered to no one in particular.
7:40 Her eyes started to water. A single tear rolled down her face and she wiped it away, forcing a smile, letting out a sigh, and getting up out of the chair. She walked into the house and slowly up the steps.
"Honey is everything ok? i thought you left" her mom yelled from the living room. Kay didn't bother answering. She just went into her room and shut the door behind her; she wasn't one to make a big deal about stuff, especially guys.
She looked at her phone sitting on the nightstand and picked it up. He didn't call or text anything. She shut the phone and shook her head. She fell back on her bed as a tear hit the pillow.
this isn't like him, what happened?. she thought, and drifted off to sleep

It was around 11 when Kay heard someone open her door and shut it behind them. They stood in the dark door way and Kay knew it was Sid. She was laying on her side and her back was to him, but she still knew it was him. Her eyes opened but she didn't move or look at him. She didn't want him to see her this way, and she didn't want to make a big deal. She knew he didn't think it had this much of an impact on her.
"hey" Sid whispered, turning on a lamp. Kay sat up but still had her back to him. She wiped off her cheeks in case there was any makeup on them.
"oh hey" She said sounding all stuffed up. Sid paused.
"You ok?" he asked.
"yeah, yeah, i'm fine" She replied. He walked over to her and sat down next to her, looking at her. She looked up at him and let out a small laugh and a sniffle thinking about how ridiculous she was being/looking.
"Kay, don't cry. i'm sorry" was all Sid could say.
"it's ok, i understand, really, i do"
"i didn't know this meant so much to you" He replied, not thinking.
"Sid, that's not the point! So what, it was one stupid date. But you didn't show up- you didn't even call me or send a text- nothing!" She had a painful expression and Sid just played with his thumbs. "you have priorities, i understand, but don't you think i deserved a call let alone a text message? You're by best friend and my boyfriend. I didn't think you would stand me up."
He nodded.
"i hate seeing you like this. i screwed up." he managed. His voice cracked a little. "i don't want to make you upset. I should have called, i should have showed up."
"yeah" was all Kay said. "it's late. you should go."
Sid listened and headed for the doorway, closing it on his way out.
Kay lay back and finally realized she was dating Sidney Crosby, not just the guy next door.


  1. Way to be Sid! Break the kid's heart!

    Great chapter. So raw... Very true to life.

  2. awwwww :[ i like the reality you put into this chapter. even though it makes sidney look like a jerk haha keep on going its great :]

  3. Geez Sid, don't even give her a reason why you didn't show up. That's pretty lame and pathetic. Poor Kay.

    Awesome chapter. :)

  4. Bad Sid, he could have at least given her a reason.
    I hope that things are okay between them.
    Can't wait for more.
